But My Email Is Already In Use

Grazer:but some recent security issues are the last straw


@grazer, the new forum is blocked for our school. So I probably wont be on a whole lot, maybe not even at all. Not sure if you can change this or not. I will have no choice but to access it from my phone which I cant do during school hours. If there is a way of preventing the school from blocking it, then please do.

Will video sharing and links still be available, as well as private discussions?

They will be available going forward, but existing private discussions may not be migrated

@grazer thanks. I’ll save my work on my groups now.

@grazer, the new forum is blocked for our school. So I probably wont be on a whole lot, maybe not even at all. Not sure if you can change this or not. I will have no choice but to access it from my phone which I cant do during school hours. If there is a way of preventing the school from blocking it, then please do.

I had to repost this cause no one seemed to noticed. I think is would kind of effect me for I cant message anyone during school.

@ManiacPumpkin I noticed but I was expecting a response from @grazer.I didn’t really care that much.

@ManiacPumpkin I think he can’t do anything about it since websites get blocked automatically with an algorithm.

What you can do is installing a VPN on your phone. I think X-VPN is available on both iOS and Android. Turn it on if you want to view the forum and turn it off when you’re done.

@ManiacPumpkin & @Gamer20 - How do you know it is blocked? I haven’t even launched it yet, so I’m not sure why/how your school could have blocked it already.

@grazer Well they blocked discourse.org cause its a forum.

Wait… This is a forum, so how are you able to come here?

Well, the Flowlab forum isnt popular enough for the schools to consider it a problem so Im aloud on it, but since discourse.org is a very popular forum based chat system with a lot of famous companies that use it, it can be noticed by schools very easily.

To be clear - the new forum will not be at discourse.org, it will be using the forum software from discord.org

Okay, lets just hope that Ill be able to use it on my school device, if not then I will have to use Mobil most of the time, which in reality is like 30mins a day. So I probably wont be on much if its still blocked.

@grazer I dunno.

@grazer the link you sent for the website preview probably got blocked. Just guessing, I’m not in a public school so idk

Whoo, new Forum!
So you were able to migrate a lot of the discussions.
I’ll test out some features later. Night!

woah, this is different!