I would like someone to make a animation for this
cant you make your own animation instead?
I would take this request, but I am using a tablet away from home because [REDACTED for Security]. I would recommend making your own animations! It is a good way to learn basic pixelart. -and it’s just fun never having to make help requests!
I will do it because I can’t draw as well as the zombie so that’s very funny for me
already did it @Rusnorful
you have made a great enemy on this day today
Please stop going onto old help request advertising your code.
well i think i should be fine as longas i dont hurt anybody
That’s not really the case, technically it’s considered spam and can result in a suspension if you continue doing it. You’re reviving help requests that have already been solved or been inactive for a bit, plus you’re posting content that’s not even related to the discussion anyway.
fair enough i get it and i dont want to be any trouble. ill stop
sry didnt mean to bold