Help me make Tetris game

Hi everyone, I am going to make Tetris game but I have some problems and hope everyone have time to help me.

  1. How do I link all small objects into a big object and move it?
  2. Is there any way for me to pause a moving object?
  3. Is there any way for me to move an object from A to B immediately (teleport), all I know to move an object is “velocity”, “impulse”, “motor”, but it didn’t work.
    Many thanks.

i will make a examle for you

i made it but its not good.
i will delete it.

Thanks a lot.

@Mainfunctestalbois You create a big object, that not possible to delete it when it straight, so I think it would be create from many small objects that we can delete later. Do you know how to link all small objects into a big one ?

i have not a lot of knowledge in