Help! My game is gone!

All my behaviors have been deleted and all my hard work is gone. I would like to know the problem and if it can be fixed. :’(


Its happening to everyone, grazer be fixing it

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I would stop working on the game untill its fixed to

A lot of people have reported this hopefully it can get fixed. Try not to edit the game rn


Should I be worried? Or am I going to be ok?

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Grazer is currently working on it, the site was just disabled until this issue is resolved.

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If I already edited my game, are my behaviors gone forever?

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Here a topic I made, im sure Grazer can restore it to tho

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Why does grazer’s post say its fixed?

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That was before when it first started, I guess its coming back also:
when you go to flowlab this shows:

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Thank you! I was so heartbroken that my game was broken. Thank you for reassuring me!


Grazer just notified that he shut down server.

I mean not “shutdown”. but closed it to us

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I already mentioned that

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