Help please


do this for both players but for the message, send it to the other player (Yellow to blue and blue to yellow). change the position to use grid

that is for yellow. Screenshot 2020-07-31 at 10.10.00 AM
for blue do this.
Screenshot 2020-07-31 at 10.10.48 AM

for the ballScreenshot 2020-07-31 at 10.11.25 AM

Thanks, ill try it

you’re welcome

It looks great, but is there any way that when the ball respawns, it falls straight down and doesn’t continue the shot. Do you know what I mean?

you mean doesn’t bouce?

i see what you mean

I couldn’t think of a great way so this is what i got. basically, there is a cage where the ball will be and there will have time for the ball to settle down and then it will be releasedScreenshot 2020-07-31 at 12.20.55 PM
Screenshot 2020-07-31 at 12.20.29 PM

the behaviors above are for the purple block(you have to create a new block) this is for the ballScreenshot 2020-07-31 at 12.23.33 PM
Screenshot 2020-07-31 at 12.23.20 PM

ok, ill try it . Thanks

you’re welcome. it worked for me although it does bounce a little after

Thanks a lot for all of the help and I hate to bother you so much but I was I made an area called the “hot zone” in my game and in this area, the characters have a shorter shot. In this area, the characters also have infinite jumps. I was wondering if I could get rid of this and instead give both characters a double jump.

just so you know you aren’t bothering me. (i’m bored anyways so helping people is fun. kind of like beating a challenge) I don’t know how to make a double jump, but pixelpizza made an example

ok, but do you know how I can stop the infinite jumps?

i didn’t see anything before. i’ll check later bc i’m eating. also if you didn’t know there are many helpful examples here

ok, thanks, but none of the examples apply to this

:slight_smile: i know

i don’t know if this is the problem, but just press backspace above that area to clear some maybe invisible objects?