Hi everyone!
I am 10. I am making my first game. I am trying to figure out how to program a certain behavior, which is clicking an object, dragging it to another place, and allowing it to drop. If anyone can give me advice, or tell me if it can even be done, I would be happy and say thank you!
Wait are you talking about in the editor or for your actually game?
To edit the behavior of a particular piece. I am still building the game.
Sorry I still dont understand. Do you want it so when you play the game you can click an object and and drag it some place else?
Check out this:
@meburningslime Im on my iPad so I cant go into the editor but I looked at it and it didnt seem to really work. When you trie to drag a different player it only moves one.
@meburningslime, that is a cool game; I like it! Johnny Boy, you are right. I want to be able to drag something to another place, and then when I let go, it will drop all the way to the ground, even from up high.
ok i’m making a demo for you right now, it will be done in like 20 minutes
try this http://flowlab.io/game/view/1139246
Thank you, I will try that.
Yes, I was able to make it drop, and it stopped on the ground! This is very close to what I am trying to do, thank you. I would like to be able to move the block as much as I want and only have it drop when I let go of the mouse button.
Thank you, it helped a lot! Here’s what I have so far: