Hey, I'm trying to remake Pac-Man

I’m almost done dying of confusing… I hope. This is REALLY HARD. I can barely get it to go in a straight line. Maybe it’d just be better to ask someone else, lol. I mean, I will finish eventually, but that’s not an upside anymore.

Here are some users who might be able to help:

I’m sorry. Do you want me to push on or wait for someone else to respond? The second option might be a bit quicker.

aw man,ok, but i got to go. just know whenever im on, im in school. bye

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Ok, bye. I’m pretty sure the router system that I just showed you is the key to moving in a straight line. Instead of using the HIT output, use the miss output.

This is very complicated in general, I’m not sure what to give you because you are a beginner and true pathfinding is very complicated.

I’ll start making a ghost that turns in random directions through the maze, unless it raycasts the player, then it will follow it.

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I still think using the Path Finding system Briccentric made is the best way, just make sure to ray cast as I previously said and lock them at 90-degree angles. The example is confusing for a beginner, but you should be able to figure it out with some tweaking.
This would also probably make giving the ghosts different “personalities” easier because you can choose to not take the most direct path sometimes while still following the player in a longer route.

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yeah, in the real game I believe the ghosts actually have different personalities, and some can work together with others to try and corner you