How do i Improve my games?

I have been making games for a bit and I want to know some tips,guides or suggestions about game development.
Please post any of the following i mentioned above.

post a link

Just make a game that you would enjoy. That’s the great thing in game making, it’s anything you want it to be. Just be sure that you are willing to dedicate a time to work on whatever project you wish to create. Even if there are ill comments (which I actually have not seen here, this place has a great online community), as long a you have fun yourself, go for it! After you publish your game, I’m sure people will love it!

Here’s a tip:
Ignore the bad reviews and/or comments,if you think it’s fun and you’re proud of it,you should go ahead and publish it!

Sorry for the late reply ztg5, Heres the link:
I just made this for practice

Thanks for the tips guys!