How Lists Work - By CodeAlpaca

But since I have new upgrade sprites spawning in, it doesn’t update the future ones :frowning:

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Are you using different objects or animations?

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Different objects, but I should really change it to one, because now when I make something, I will try to make it with lists in mind


Quick update: I’m currently writing a different version of explaining lists.

This version is much clearer to understand and will give a ton of visual aids + practical examples because a lot of people are “visual learners”
It’s also much shorter because I watered things down to their simplest form and condensed a lot of things into “Summary” things so it’s easier to separate what’s being talked about, which should make it much more straight forward.


Nice, thank you, though I am finally figuring out list by myself there’s probably a lot more to learn


I’m making a 9 inventory items system
It’s pretty hard but I think I did it