How to export game?

im trying to download my game to my chromebook but idk how to play it after , do i have to make it an app? i have no idea what to do after the files have downloaded

pls help lol

you’ll have to extract the files and launch the .exe in the “bin” folder. make sure you don’t move anything inside of the folders, as the .exe needs everything in those folders to run.

this is for windows, I’m not sure how different it would be for chromebook.
I didn’t even think you could download stuff on chromebook. I thought you just had to do everything in chrome but I’m probably wrong.



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chormebook uses android just like google play,
if your trying to play a downloaded game, try running the .apk file.

To export games, you have to have an Indie or student account. Then you press export next to the game in the “my games” tab.


You also have to allow files to download and run apps.

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to run an apk file my computer tells me i have to be in OS DEveloper mode which doesnt sound right or safe, does this sound correct ?

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Wait, are you on an IOS or mac?



to run an apk file you would have to backdoor your chromebook
so I would just upload it to google play