To make a multi jump limit that works in all practical platformers make it so that there is a number that starts on 0 and when you jump it checks if the number is greater than or = to # with a filter. If it passes then it ads 1 to the number and jumps and on bottom collision cheks if it is moving for one 10nth of a second by using a short proximity that cheks its own position if it doesnt move it sets the number to 0. This way value can be used as the jump limit and it doesn’t take very many behaviors so you can have a multi jump limit that the user can change wich is usefull for level up.
THeres a simpler way that @pixlepizza came up with @ me if intresed…
no i think your thinking of the same thing or the single jump limit found in run and jump.
also this version alows leveling up the max jumps before collision.
let me know if i was rite and you were rong.
Chuck-A-Cheese shall defeat you in battle!!!
also this is cald multi jamp becouse the behavior count is low even with say 100 jumps ore 1,000,000,000,000,000 jumps. it onely gets hire becouse number has a max value.
i mean the behavior. there is no flaw in my dasine.