How to make double key pressed?

No… idk why you want repeated keys if your counting the clicks. It’s much easier if you just turn that off.
For example, this would work great clicking.

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Imagine a sprint mechanic like in minecraft, you hold forward to go at normal speed, but on double key press, you sprint.

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You just have different key presses to count certain things then, and change the numbers when a ceratin number of presses are made

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My system works for both repeating and non-repeating, while the one JR showed (I’m sure it’s a design he made a while ago in like 5 minutes) only works for non-repeating, but it has some flaws.
The filter on both of our systems can be changed to adjust the number of key presses needed as well as the timer to increase/shorten the delay.

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Do I put timer as only one time or forever? @CodeAlpaca

I’m gonna guess its infinite @Raidic

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So here I am. Time to explain in detail shall we.
So heres what I did and its not working.

Just what CodeAlpaca did maybe if i could really examine where the line goes maybe i could get something. As you can see i can not see the lines where they going. I

Try changing the timer to a single emit if repeat isn’t working

The timer is a single, if it was infinite it would cause problems