How to make him stand up

Never played it, but just looking it up, this seems pretty close to how it works

ok that worked for the standing but it gliches the player when draged, can you fix that

…Sure. By the way, that code you pastwd in from my ragdoll game is not really doing you any favors, it would probably be better to delete it from all of the objects you put it in…
Imstead, maybe try unchecking the “flexible joint” box inside all of the Joint behaviors. Don’t worry, the joints will still be able to move, they just won’t get so crazy when you fling the player.

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do you mean delete the flexable joynts

I did that now he’s just brocken

No. Just click the Joint behavior and click the box “flexible Joint” so that it is not filled in blue

it work but I want him to move his parts. so I do spinning connection but no working

Like I said, if you leave it at Welded Connection he can still move
It sounds silly but it’s true
If you want them to move more, decrease the density of the limbs

how do I decrease the density of the limbs

plus why are the body doing that when draging

Click the object, then click “Physics” and lower the density slider just a bit


how much though (I went of line of this topic sorry)

Maybe down to 40? It depends; just play with it till it seems right

plus what does it doooo

and why is the body doing that

Decreasing the density weakens how much the Joint constrains the limbs, allowing them to move more

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What is the body doing that you don’t like?

ohh I forgot to say I fixedthat