How to make things fall faster

Its me again! I’m currently working on a boss level and trying to get my evil guy to jump up and then fall down quickly onto the player every four times the player hits him, like a stomp! So far I’ve been using a y-velocity to force him down 1/10 of a second after he jumps, but I feel like there’s a better solution?? If there’s not then rip, but definitely help if you can, please and thank you!


You can use the impulse behavior to make it a bit more easier but other than that there’s no need to change it.


I agree with @glowbug that an impulse might be more like what you want, but you don’t say what you dislike about the current y-velocity solution you have.


the thing is im using impulse to go up already, and it’s working great! The issue is when the boss comes back down, he’s floating and it’s taking a bit to long for it to feel like he’s slamming down on the player. The y-velocity solution is kind of teleporting him down, which isn’t too bad, but it still doesn’t give me the same feeling as just falling faster downward

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You can still use the impulse…

yep, figured that out an hour or so ago, I was confused bc I thought ppl were saying to use impulse just to go up, not to go back down. thanks tho bro :pensive: :pray:

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