Just like the name of the Topic.
The easiest way to do it is to have lots of blocks on your map and it just spawns it at the position of the blocks. You can also use math. The key number for math is 32 which is how many pixels a block is.
If you see in the picture all of the white spots I use to spawn things on. Extractors and proximities will get you their location.
The circles with the red squares are objects so that when something is placed it spawns one of those which removes the white square, thus preventing other things from spawning their.
Having a ton of objects isn’t good for performance and isn’t overall practical.
I suggest using A*32-16 in a expression to spawn at grid locations.
Btw, how do I spawn multiple same objects to fill in a specific area but still in grid position. For example, I have 2 areas, 1 is 4x1, the other is 3x3, I need to spawn 4 same objects in 4x1 area and 9 same objects in 3x3 area.
Use a number list with the relative positions of that amount of objects so 4 would be 0, 32, 64, 96
Then add the x and y position, do the same for the 9, you might need 2 different lists for the 3x3 so you can define y positions too