Hp Bar Coding(Difficult)

The input is only 500 so you need to adjust the amount you divide it by. Change it to “A/31.3” and that will fix it

So the Hp will vary between different amounts of HP for different Entities…would it work>?

If you always using different HP amounts use this expression

“A/16” → “A/B”

That 16 amount needs to be changed depending on how many animation frames you have.

same number of frames, just different HP

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if it’s the same number of frames using 16 is fine

so wait, what exactly needs to be changed?

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For right now just change the expression “A/313” to “A/31.3”

so wait, its frames divided by max HP right? is that why 500/16=31.3, if thats the case then I could make an expression…let me try something…

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Yes, that’s what it needs. so if you have different HP amounts like 300, 400, 500, etc it will always work.

Ty you save hours of stress and anoyance,thanks again!@

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I think I’m last to this post; but if I did have a suggestion, I would suggest using percentages to get 2 ranges of numbers to match.