I can't edit my game

Whenever I go to my game, it loads a little bit and then says page unresponsive. The “error code” was sigill . My internet is fine, and everything else works well (including other games). What is happening?

Also, the new sprite editor is awesome.

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Hey @Flying_Fajita - I’m glad you like the new sprite editor :slight_smile:

post a link to the game in question, and it will be easier to offer suggestions



Your “iron” object spawns an “iron” object when it spawns.
The newly spawned “iron” object spawns an "iron object when it spawns
The newly spawned “iron” object spawns an "iron object when it spawns
The newly spawned “iron” object spawns an "iron object when it spawns
The newly spawned “iron” object spawns an "iron object when it spawns
The newly spawned “iron” object spawns an "iron object when it spawns

and so on, forever.


MM… So how am I supposed to change it when I can’t even edit it??

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I can open it OK in edit mode - you can’t?

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Ughh… It’s something wrong with my computer again… This thing really is breaking. It was already super slow, and now it won’t let me edit. I’ll try to fix it somehow.

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Thanks for your help.

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Try restarting your browser, and if you still can’t edit it let me know - I’ll remove the spawn for you.