I need help with my game plz

this is my game i need help I’m trying to make it to wear when the music go off it goes to the next level plz help

You can just record the length of the music to know how long it is, and when the music started playing you can also start up a timer. When the timer goes off, the music should have stopped as well and you can advance to the next level.

well can you show it to me so i can understand it im making a like fnf game

:sweat_smile: so if you can plz show me

I’m in the middle of school so I can’t, but it wouldn’t be too hard to apply a timer alongside the music or sound behavior.

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im in school too but i dont know how to use a timer

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You can click on a behavior, and then click “Help” - it will open the new Help pop-up that includes documentation and a small video tutorial about how it works


thx i will do that t

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looks like you got everything down need any more help? bc i made a fnf game and its good: FNF entity extension (demo)