I Need Help With The Labels :(

So I’m having a little bit of trouble with the label block not showing a number even with 100% opacity. The label is using the attach feature that was added to them. but even with it not on, it won’t work. Any Help?

turning my computer on and off doesn’t work either sadly.

Can you link the game?

oh yeah! sorry, I kinda forgot

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Here it is:

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Its on the third boss on the level titled “The Wall”

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I’m on my phone rn so I can’t look at it rn, but I’ll be able to look at it tonight if you still need help

Okay, thanks!

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it might be thay the object the label is attached to is invisible


A label attached to an object will take any visual properties and apply them to itself. To have something invisible without affecting the object have a blank animation playing instead.


The object in question is not in fact invisible so I don’t understand what is happening. :frowning: