I need step-to-step of making a checkpoint!

Also a mistake(its happened to me also) is that your position behavior just be set to grid not pixels. To change it click on it and select it.

…I didn’t think to check that @“Johnny boy” , which I will now. Thanks!

That seems to fix your problem, but I would advise to put the number behavior into save instead of using the collision output; collision -> Number -> Save

I would advise to rely on numbers behaviors you set rather then the output from some behaviors,
plus it makes it easier to read when something is wrong.

Actually, I think it is working now @“JR 01” , especially since I made it so data is able to be deleted. I’m not completely sure what you mean but making it a number, but I think it is working. If you want to show me what you mean from your suggestion, please send a screenshot, otherwise, I have no idea what you meant :lol: But anyways, thank you and @“Johnny boy” with the examples and your help, as this got me to get something working!

This will just make it easier to follow to see what IS saving.
In a bigger system, you need to keep track of the numbers themselves.

ok so

Oh, okay @“JR 01” , I can fix this right away. Thanks!