Idle Bal1s v1.0

They are all on the ground so they probably lost all momentum (from my experience they do that, it could just be a perfectly timed image)

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Yes, very liekly that’s the case.

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No they were still moving toward that block it was very weird

But I also lost progress when that glitch happened

It’s because instead of destroying the blocks and spawning them in repetitively, they just turn invisible and disable.

How? What did you lose besides the progress on that level?

I lost like two previous rebirths and a ton of money :frowning:

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when you reloaded it all disappeared?
That’s impossible, it uses saves.

If it really did, it may be because of the link, try using the view and play link
Flowlab Game Creator - Idle Balls v1.0 play
Flowlab Game Creator - Idle Balls v1.0 view

Nope the link was right…

The only way it could’ve happened is because of cache, because otherwise something glitched. If you want I can add give yourself x9 multiplier by using user info.

Okay thank you

Alr it should give (set) you 9x multiplier if your name is “Pixel_Name1” now. It should work for anytime you lose progress, as well.

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The bomb ball is the best ball ever it is so op