IronWare inc. alpha

Here it is:

Click the “Settings” button in the bottom toolbar and type a new name in the “name” box.

thx m8 @grazer

Very nice start! I like the art style a lot.

Lovin the art m8. love the fact you made a story

Very nice art style, im loving the big grey floating heads! :lol:

Update: GEARS, and SAVES, and glitches…

Good news: Now at the start of the first level, there’s this pig thing that sends you to the last journal entry read… I should make it a book mark later.

Bad news: We got gears… but they don’t really work too well. Sometimes they randomly go in front of other tiles placed before them, and you can’t really go into their gaps. And the other glitch is with the run and jump bundle. Sometimes it doesn’t jump, so I changed the collision thing with proximity. However now if you’re surrounded by a proximized tile on either side you can spam jump… Maybe I’ll incorporate it into the game.
Frankly, I think spam jumping is better than no jumping.

Plz fix this…

P. s. first boss battle coming soon ;-D