alert: toywiz is still selling these 2010 figures!
alert: toywiz is still selling these 2010 figures!
bro @John_Shrekinson how many hot wheels cars do you have?
This Blaster Armor Spider-Man figure’s armor accessory reminds me of that one villain from Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003)
Spider-Man 2010 Blaster Armor Spider-Man 3.75 Action Figure Hasbro - ToyWiz
idk but over 100 for sure
I have like 420 (that is actually the number that I have
this guy is on Walmart too
its a scam usually on there, I’m speaking from my brothers experience
Real, that’s why I’ve never bought from there. But the bootlegs are improving and these deals are enticing…
don’t fall for them dude! my brother has to reset his credit card because of a scam
Well that’s terrifying! I hope your brother’s credit card is ok. I thought about getting that figure because I watched this video from a channel I believe is reputable:
my reaction to that info
Is Jujutsu folk because they’re Nah I’d Win? Or is Folk Jujutsu because With this treasure I summon JoGoat, who always bets on Hakari and with his Domain Expansion he says “I’m You” while bringing out 120% of their potential?
After Stand Proud opened up his domain he said are you you are strong, because you are I’m you? Or are you the one who left it all behind and his overwhelming intensity! because… with this treasure I summon…?
The finger simply answered… Nah, I’d win.
With this treasure, I summon Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga
“You are my special” 今際の際際で踊りましょう 東京前線興の都 往生際の際際で足掻きましょう お行儀の悪い面も見せてよ “I love you baby” 謳い続けましょう 如何痴れ者も如何余所者も 心燃える一挙手一投足 走り出したらアンコントロール “You are my special” 無茶苦茶にしてくれないかい? 一切を存分に喰らい尽くして 一生迷宮廻遊ランデブー 眩暈がする程 “you are my special” 有耶無耶な儘廻る世界 No! No! No! そう冷静にはならないで 一生迷宮廻遊ランデブー 誰が如何言おうと “you are my special” “We are special” “You are my special” 土俵際の際際で堪えましょう 東京沿線大荒れ模様 報道機関氣裸氣裸血走ります 冷静と俯瞰は御法度です
Are you Stand proud, You’re Strong because your Nah I’d Win, or are you Nah I’d Win because you’re Stand Proud, You’re Strong?