Just wanted to know if this is good a good enough game

So I made this game called electro-fugitive for mobile, just wanted to know if its good enough for those who have used flowlab.io for a while

Btw i know there is a bug with controlls all you gotta do to fix them is push the button its using
Ex: if you’re stuck crouching push the down button then walk or if you’re automatically walking left push the left button then walk right.


The mobile UI makes it difficult to see so I recommend using the Mobile behavior to hide or destroy the mobile buttons when you’re on PC.

Actually there is a button to make them transparent as recommend by tape back at the discord server its on the left of the leave button wen in game.

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Health bar is being reworked at the moment and so is background

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Ok, thanks. Wait, I don’t see it.

I’ll show you what it looks like

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Oh that. I clicked it, but nothing was happening.

It works fine on my end here i’ll update it real quick

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I fixed the issue try pushing tab

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Yay it works!

Yes, now you may continue enjoying the demo

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Btw sometimes you would need to push the button a couple of time like spam it

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