Level Bar progressing

Does anyone know how to make a level bar work when the XP limit keeps going up?
Basically, I want the level bar to keep within the 100% mark, but what makes 1% of it will keep going up, so that it progressively needs more XP to level up
This is my code now, but the screen freezes, and I thought it would work, but I guess not
@CodeAlpaca :sweat_smile:


So you want something like
Level 1: 100xp
Level 2: 250xp
level 3: 500xp

Also you said the screen is freezing, which I’m assuming is because it’s an infinite loop

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So would you want something like this?

If you’re trying to make a bar go from 0 → 100%, and then when you level up start at 1%, I would just reset the XP amount to 0 (or 1% of the xp needed)

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This, the XP for each level up goes up, The bar I use uses the size block to grow in size

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you don’t need to list it

just use a math equation that turns the level into a value

here’s one that gets 50 higher each time: (a*50)+100-50
(and starts at 100)

I am a dumbass i am of no use i have no idea how anything works tbh… all ican say is i dont know how to make a bar either lol.

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also is this for your game ewarks? Flowlab Game Creator - EWARKS


Actually you do need to list it. Using that gives a very linear progression system. Many games use custom values that scale to no math equation.

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Yes, that’s my game I’m working on :slight_smile:

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Well, I have one that’s A squared multiplied by 100

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@CodeAlpaca , the problem isnt trying to get a XP progressing exponentially, the problem is getting the UI xp bar to Grow according to the amount of XP you have, even if the XP to level up keeps going up each level up

:sweat_smile: I just figured it out, I had a one level delay that messed up the percentage thingy

If you are wanting a way to better scale the sprite to the size of the bar, I have a progress bar example that uses a range converter bundle, where values can be converted to percentage and vice versa. The main level moves the object on the scale, but the HP level shows how it can be done with an object scale.
Flowlab Game Creator - Progress Bar Example



Are there 2 separate globals or are they the same global?

There are 2 separate globLs

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Awesome, we could use this for our game.

Well, is there a way to visually see this in the game? Because Alpacas code is good if it’s just numbers

I think this can be fixed with @JR01 bundle

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