Major issue with parenting in layers

No parents are updating, all of the objects I can choose to give children have their old names and don’t work. This is in the bgr layer and I am making this game for a school project, so I don’t have time for a website breaking bug. I also cannot check console since I’m at school.


Screenshot 2022-05-23 09.02.47 objects in bgr library
Screenshot 2022-05-23 09.02.37
objects i can assign children


Yeah it doesn’t look like the background objects can be parents

The objects in that list are in the ui layer, which is also weird

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Yep same thing for me, I’m guessing something like that is just how it’s supposed to work though

May I ask why you’re making a game about Communists?

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Social studies project


Communism isn’t inherently bad, it’s more so the way people use it.
Now, back on topic. It is strange why the parent objects are from the UI layer, it must be an oversight from Grazer.

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:nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face:
:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face:


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