Make clock have time zones

Please have an option on the Clock behavior to select Time Zones. I have an event in a game of mine, and I need it to be synchronized between all games. @grazer


How would that work, and what do you mean? The clock just outputs the time that your device is set to.


It would be nice if you could set the Clock to ONLY output things like PST or EST, etc. It allows for correct timing between all devices no matter where you live (I want an event to happen at a specific time for all players)


Specifically, alpaca raceway perhaps.

perhaps :thinking:

event be like: lImItEd EdItIoN gArFiElD kArT! eNtEr ThE gArFiElD wOrLd AnD fInIsH tHe Race to GeT iT.


Is it a garfield kart event :slight_smile:

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Idk, it’ll be a while until the full update is released.

triple dog dare you make a garfield kart event when it releases

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is that just like mario kart?

Search up garfield kart, it’s a game.

What if there was an optional checkbox to output the time in UTC? That way the time would be same for everyone.


That would work, any set time for everyone would be great