May 21 Was My Birthday :>

A lot has changed since I was in school. I think these days, they crack down harder on bullying. When I was growing up, Middle School is where bullying was the worst. And the teachers didn’t do anything about it.

“Back in my day,” it wasn’t exactly popular for a kid to be into video games, science fiction, medieval fantasy etc. I was the quintessential nerd, and I spent most of my school days trying to avoid countless bullies who would regularly throw things at me, give me “wedgies”, try to shove me into lockers, etc. Yeah, I know, that sounds like a cliché, but that kind of stuff actually happened regularly.

Hah! Main tip is to be so old that it’s completely believable that you didn’t know what you were doing.


@00T_Free @TGW
I Will tell you a hint on how old i am.
what is 121/11

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Your 11,I used a calculator

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I already said you’re probably eleven.

lol the fact you used a calculator for that though @LMTPE


Wow. I Did not even think about that…


Oh, Well i did not see it then

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At that age, you should be happy to have a birthday. Why would you worry about turning 11? You still have your whole life ahead of you. I know you have stresses and pressures, school and homework and home obligations and peer pressure, but none of that will matter in the long run. It’s just a preparation phase for other more important things you will have to deal with later. Life doesn’t truly begin to get serious until you get into high school, that’s when you have to start thinking about college and jobs and whatever other adulthood stuff you want to do later. But you still have plenty of time before you have to even start thinking about that. For now, just enjoy your youth.


Also, stop telling people on the internet your age. That’s not good.


That can be dangerous for sure, especially if you’re under 18. At my age, it doesn’t even matter anymore. About the worst thing that might happen to me is that I’ll start getting advertisements on Google for adult diapers or something.


The true scourge of adult life; diapers, big diapers.


I haven’t reached that point myself yet. The most annoying thing to me right now is all the bills I have to pay. Ugh. Rent, utilities, phone, internet, groceries… it never ends.


I can’t relate because I’m a freeloader.


Nothing wrong with that. My sister just turned 40 and still lives with my mom. She has freeloading down to a science.


She must be incredibly intelligent.

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She’s very manipulative. Which is a type of intelligence.

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I have a very good skill in making people extremely uncomfortable. As you can see, I don’t have many friends.


aM i yOuR friEnd?


I would assume maybe.

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Affirmative sir/ma’am/tha’am?

tha’am = them ma’am?

or isn’t it just xir… i forget haha

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What? I might just be tired and not understand because this doesn’t make any sense to me.