More Affordable Subscription

So, if you’re underage (like me), you might be a little disheartened by the subscription prices… which is why I came up with a solution!

$5 / Month
$29 / Year (save 50%)
10 Games, Unlimited objects, Unlimited levels
1 user account
No game exporting
Team collaboration
Upload custom sounds

@grazer Tell me what you think! I hope you like my suggestion!

Side Note: This will not replace any of the current subscriptions.

I mean, this is a game engine thats been in the works for years. Only one person has been developing this, It really doesnt get more fair than $10.

Yeah… tbh, this basically contains everything you’d want in Indie and takes out a few things many people won’t need in half the price.

*Wifi lag double-comment

Lol indie used to be 10 games, but grazer made it unlimited later.

Thanks for the feedback! I’m just a little on the fence about buying indie, especially since I’m not active very often, due to school.

Convince your school to make a class that uses flowlab