My FNF entity game

oh ok thx f9or clarfication

Put me as a enemy character on a secret level.

give me a sample of what you would look like (it needs to look like a entity it needs to be made out of a material)

and also everyone sub to my youtube channel pls:


No. Cringe gaming intro detected. Good Roblox gameplay though.

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bru atleast you like my roblox videos

2017'ish intros?
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I’m not saying your videos are bad. I’m just saying that the “gaming intro” you used was kinda cringe. Not really a great choice. Intros are cool, but not really necessary. I’m personally against them on principle, although I don’t really mind seeing them from time to time.

No, I mean just the stereotypical “gaming” ones. But yeah, those 3D SFM Minecraft ones that break the laws of Minecraft physics and animation style are bad too.

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Oh, I know those ones

I know them all.

bruh how about some ideas for features that are USEFULL

New entity idea: Blood Chungus. He is made of blood.
New entity idea: Your mom (seriously, you could ask your mom to be in this game!)
New entity idea: Pro Gabrielfo (he is made out of shadows)
New entity idea: Boyfriend and Girlfriend from Friday Night Funkin

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i dont need any new charcters so stop giving me charcters i already have all my charcters ruzar diana dex drift alr? but thanks for the help though

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Add a level where you have a rap battle in moving vehicles. The vehicles could be either helicopters or convertibles (cars with no roof).


alr thanks man really good idea (but not now bc my brother is sometimes lazy to draw the things for my game)

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Thank you!


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also im going to make it so that they ride on top of the car not inside of the car


Week 4:
Mommy Mearest

EDIT: Some mods actually include them inside a car rapping or smth, that would be cool to see


maybe ill do drift riding on a car fighting someone else on a car

(drift is a entity hes made out of magma)


anyways heres what ruzar is going to look like

hes back story is this famous guy was drawing books and ruzar came out of all of the books bc the books had ink on them thats why ruzar is made out of ink

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