if anyone has a good game I can use for my gaming site. I am building it up and I hope I find some way to share it.
Well… My games dont show up on other sites all that often, however, i dont mind if we link sites
cool here is my link thecoolstuff.wix.com/virusfreegaming
tell me yours I can link it on
done check my site
Heres a tip, there is a EMBED line above your link in the game list on your profile, copy that and get the HTML app on wix, paste the code in and you can play the game on the site itself
Yeah dude jngthree knows what hes doing! He helped me when i joined 9 months ago!
my website: http://emeraldgames.wix.com/emeraldgames
Now when i think of it, your close to your first anniversary
emraldgames can be added to ours
I guess… You know what? Im making a site HUB
It has a list of all the sites we contributed to
hey check out the blitzkrieg frontier update list i made, we could have a game of the week or primer games list and it could be one of them