Need help with the xor gate

im trying to make a fighting game, and in the game player 1 will punch player 2. but player 2 can use a block to protect. im having trouble making the block come into affect. and also the xor gate isnt working for some reason

I really suggest to never use mailboxes and logic gates together, it usually just won’t work.
Logic gates require a precise timing with the programming, that even bending a wire back to the behavior can make it not work (I suggest avoiding logic gates if possible).

This is for an XOR gate, right? I suggest using a switch to activate and use a timer to turn it back on, this is what I do for invincibility frames. Set the timer to how long you want the switch off, I suggest using 1 in the timer if you want it to work like the logic gate.

Bundle for AND gate replacement

Switches can usually do the job well; but if you need 2 things to activate, I have a bundle for that.


{"data":{"behavior":{"v":"2","nodes":[{"inputCount":2,"outputCount":1,"name":"Input Gate","behaviorType":"logic.NodeGroup","x":990,"y":128,"id":"6c5a33d4291e3844","isMenuItem":false},{"inputCount":3,"outputCount":1,"name":"Switch","behaviorType":"logic.logic.Switch","x":900,"y":608,"group":"6c5a33d4291e3844","id":"6c5a33d4f8ba4a4a","_startVal":0,"dataType":2},{"inputCount":0,"outputCount":1,"name":"Bundle Input","behaviorType":"logic.NodeGroupInput","x":720,"y":608,"group":"6c5a33d4291e3844","id":"6c5a33d4825bb44e","portId":"6c5a33d4291e3844i0","tag":"A","dataType":2},{"inputCount":0,"outputCount":1,"name":"Bundle Input","behaviorType":"logic.NodeGroupInput","x":720,"y":672,"group":"6c5a33d4291e3844","id":"6c5a33d4cae5794f","portId":"6c5a33d4291e3844i1","tag":"B","dataType":2},{"inputCount":3,"outputCount":1,"name":"Switch","behaviorType":"logic.logic.Switch","x":1080,"y":608,"group":"6c5a33d4291e3844","id":"6c5a33d42d433749","_startVal":0,"dataType":2},{"inputCount":1,"outputCount":0,"name":"Bundle Output","behaviorType":"logic.NodeGroupOutput","x":1260,"y":608,"group":"6c5a33d4291e3844","id":"6c5a33d43aa35b4b","portId":"6c5a33d4291e3844o0","tag":"out","dataType":2}],"links":[{"input_id":"6c5a33d42d433749i2","output_id":"6c5a33d4f8ba4a4ao0"},{"input_id":"6c5a33d4f8ba4a4ai1","output_id":"6c5a33d4825bb44eo0"},{"input_id":"6c5a33d4f8ba4a4ai2","output_id":"6c5a33d4825bb44eo0"},{"input_id":"6c5a33d42d433749i1","output_id":"6c5a33d4cae5794fo0"},{"input_id":"6c5a33d4f8ba4a4ai2","output_id":"6c5a33d4cae5794fo0"},{"input_id":"6c5a33d42d433749i0","output_id":"6c5a33d42d433749o0"},{"input_id":"6c5a33d4f8ba4a4ai0","output_id":"6c5a33d42d433749o0"},{"input_id":"6c5a33d43aa35b4bi0","output_id":"6c5a33d42d433749o0"}]}}}

This code will wait until both signals have entered and reset after output. Very useful for many Logic Gate scenarios or just needing to sync up the code from 2 signals. Just paste this code in the import selection to get the bundle.

could you show me an example of it being used, im relativly new to flowlab and i dont really know how everything works yet

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I just updated the post above for an XOR gate with an image, that bundle (that is now a tab at the bottom of my comment) is best to replace AND gates.

its still not working, but i dont think an xor gate would have worked anyway. i want the block to stop send the punch signal. but i dont want the block to activate any signal on its own

The switch has to be ON to work, also try setting the timer to 5 instead.


how can I modify this so that the block wont activate the system at all but instead shut it off while the punch will continue to activate the system

I think I see what you are asking for, the best solution is to send a message of 1 (Blocking) and 2 (Not blocking) from the “block” mailbox. That will tell the switch to turn on and off to allow punch.

Another solution is to make another mailbox to tell when the player has stopped blocking


i tried it out and it works, Thank you!

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