New Game by RUSNORFUL THE SNORF, !Snorf Survive!

This is my first good game and I have spent many mouths working on it and I do believe this is a 2D pixel graphic roguelike with shooting and its like vampire survivors also its a twin stick shoot with bosses, random encounters great game feel and juice there’s a sus guy and many guns along with lots of killing and get more snorfs to help you whatever just play the game dude.
Flowlab Game Creator - Snorf survive FLOWLAB LINK

Snorf Survive by Rusnorful ( ITCH.IO PAGE LINK
snorf logo with gun

The art is pretty trash, not a fan of the assault rifle and minigun autofiring, pretty fun though, with some visuals upgrades and maybe reworking the autofire and giving the assault rifle a seperate ammo type, this could be very good!

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Why would you not want a mini gun and rifle to be automatic, you didn’t have mobile mode on did you? That’s not good if your on key board, just click it to change it it’s in the top left in the menu also my art is amazing and cool and very lazy and cool. Make sure your playing on flow lab because It’s always being updated on flowlab and I only get up to date every now and than. I’m trying to work on the art but it’s not my strong suit updates automatically, alteast the web version.

Oh, it does. Ok that’s cool

I have pretty much finished the game! please check it out so I can get some final play tests