New game! NEWWWWW

my brrand new game! i present to you:


Fun game! It could use some more content, but overall I like it!

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when the bad UI :skull:

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yay people like my thing how is the ui bad @hihilogic ?

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well, the text doesn’t actually follow the player, and the deadeye follows the mouse on game coordinates instead of screen coordinates


the deadeye wasnt working with the screen coords and the text follows for me


also do you like the exploding death animation?

Right, because the deadeye isn’t in the UI layer

facepalm :man_facepalming: well it works anyways so…

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But it isn’t all that smooth movement so…

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I would avoid using default sprites and be sure to keep pixel consistency when making art

Please don’t revive dead topics. Fortunately, the OP is still active and may respond.

Oh i didnt know this was 8 months old my bad

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bro i clicked on this post and saw hihilogic and i almost had a heart attack