I just deployed a new release that is focused on bugfixes and stability improvements.
One improvement is that the “capsule” collision shape has been changed (again). It is now a single polygon with clipped corners so that it slides along other blocks without snagging. Also, it has no friction on the top or sides, and can be scaled on the x & y axis separately. I think design works much better than the previous one for platformer characters. Existing objects are not changed, so to get the new collision shape you must create a new object or edit its collision shape.
In addition, this release has the following bug fixes:
- Colliders not updating on sprite edit: https://trello.com/c/HswVxsdK/266-colliders-not-updating-on-sprite-edit
- Messed up animation list: https://trello.com/c/zDT3XXb3/199-animation-list-is-messed-up
- Handle network errors more robustly: https://trello.com/c/YoXA3P29/274-handle-network-errors-more-robustly
- Collisions against scaled objects using wrong direction: https://trello.com/c/wrNqEcgo/268-collision-direction-settings-not-working-correctly
- TAB key in editor messing up page position: https://trello.com/c/0IcpnImy/269-hitting-tab-while-in-the-editor-scrolls-the-page-down-and-the-top-of-the-editor-gets-cut-off-until-you-refresh-the-page
- Crash when scaling an attached object on one axis only: https://trello.com/c/gbWKClqu/247-crash-only-when-you-use-x-and-y-on-the-attached-object-works
- Collision failures with “keep between levels” objects: https://trello.com/c/L2Uj1DwY/264-collision-failure-when-reloading-levels-containing-keep-between-levels-objects-messages-fail-too
- Bundle blocks now open with double-click: https://trello.com/c/Rx4THmsT/249-it-would-be-sweet-if-bundles-opened-with-double-click
- Crash when opening Alert property panel from Library: https://trello.com/c/VNYxPy9d/275-crash-when-opening-alert-properties-from-library-object-behaviors-window
- Crash when deleting objects with labels https://trello.com/c/URUxidLY/276-crash-when-deleting-objects-with-labels
- Label alpha not resetting correctly: https://trello.com/c/WFzBwg4c/277-label-alpha-not-resetting-properly-on-play-edit-switch
- Crash/freeze in debug check: https://trello.com/c/w7WeGEX9/279-crash-in-node-debug-check
- Editing or Copying label from unloaded object resets label position: https://trello.com/c/tvyFcZix/280-editing-or-copying-a-label-when-the-object-is-not-loaded-resets-the-position-back-to-0-0-which-is-super-annoying-having-to-repos
Extra thanks to @“Mhx Ar” for a lot of detailed bug reports leading to many of these getting tracked down fixed.