New update (finally) - Big Behavior Update!

oops, fixed!

Thanks :slight_smile:


There’s over 10 pages filled with these things.

And they all translate to “Super Casino”
Looks like there needs to ba a Recapta to prevent this again, or a lawsuit.

Looks like this isn’t the only forum that’s suffered. It’s everywhere…

Heh, I’m refreshing the page and watching them all DIE

Oh god! They’re adding themselves back!

@grazer when you get the chance. input numbers coming from outside the bundle turn into 1s when they enter they enter, regardless of the input that they had before.

@grazer they’re back.

@grazer I’m not sure if this was intended, but when I open the forums on my phone (which is pretty much the only way I do) it just shows a blank page.

Also, Starblast 2 is doing swell. I added screenshake to it.

Thanks for the heads up - the mobile forum theme must be messed up. I replaced it once already, but I’m about to upgrade it again.

I think this may be related to the update @grazer, and I may put it in its own thread, but a new special effect was added in SB2, when starting the game the grid builds itself. well, if you go straight up or down, there’s a little spot where you can leave the grid… everything else is fine, and solid, just those two spots.

@jngthree - you mind starting a new thread for that? can you post a screenshot or something of exactly where it happens?

@grazer annnnd more spambots

What’s the point with all this spam, anyway? They don’t even make sense…

This time they were advertising a racecourse in Korean


The ctrl+v thing it works ?
or not yet?

Still only works in FireFox, for the moment.

@grazer you still have the text box workaround in mind?

Yeah, but that spammer attack last week along with the Windows server update has taken all my time :frowning:

well in firefox doesnt work too

or im just a dumbass…