Nightclub Skirmish (Deadly_Smile)

don’t worry guys hell still exists in the game

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Wait… do you actually destroy people in that place!?
(just a question)

there’s a bunch of lore but somehow hell is in the building the nightclub takes place

also yes you are supposed to kill people its the point of the game

Okay. I just pictured killing humans to killing demons.

Plain guess: you are either already killing demons, victims of the underworld, or just people who have no clue. (most likely the 3rd one)

so the 4 other floors are humans whilst the Hell floor is just demons

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Oh okay that makes sense.

Wait. did you say Don’t worry about hel still existed?

yeah because hell is one of the levels in the game

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I would solo all characters in a fist fight

nuh uh

one of them literally feeds on humans

also Jeff???


I wouldn’t hurt Jeff or Nancy.

So? I will just give him uno reverse and eat him

just because Voice is annoying doesnt mean you can defeat it in a fist fight

yeah I can, he doesn’t have any fist :rofl:

uno card not fist

he does but he doesn’t prefer to use them