Ok, I'm back - with a new feature preview: Online Multiplayer

Yeah, it means that Puffin is failing on the new multiplayer javascript.


If only there was a workaround for this

@grazer Sure youre busy on fixing things, but is it possible to add a vibrate behavior for mobile?

@CrimsonBlackGames - I’m looking for a workaround, but unfortunately Puffin doesn’t seem to display any JS errors, and doesn’t have a developer console AFAICT. There also isn’t much that I can find on the web about javascript debugging in Puffin. This is making solving the issue in puffin much trickier than it would otherwise be.

OK @CrimsonBlackGames - here’s what I did:

I added a check for the puffin browser on the site, and in that case the multiplayer code is disabled. Now you should be able to use Puffin again (I tested it a little and it seems to be working OK).

Of course, multiplayer isn’t going to work in Puffin.

Fine by me.

Yo, btw, can you answer that question I had about shared blocks.

@grazer Oh I hope that Puffin check really doesnt mess with other browsers, havent looked around yet.

Edit: Theres over 100 comments on this post. GG.

I found a Physics bug… not in multiplayer but I don’t feel like it needs a whole new discussion

@grazer The shortcut bug sometimes happens in firefox, I really don’t know how to reproduce it but it never happened before. Anyway, I just listed my problems I currently have with my game:

  • I don’t want the attached object to flip with the attaching object, is there a way to disable this?
  • I want every player be able to send messages to their own bar, so an option in the message block to send a message to all attached objects would be awesome.
  • Attached objects don’t disappear when someone leaves.
  • Player check doesn’t send an output in attached objects? The attached object is a ‘multiplayer: player’ object
  • I made on-screen buttons so I can export my game to android. But there’s an annoying problem with it, the ‘out’ output in mouseclick triggers when triggering ‘over’ in another object with another finger, while I’m still holding my fingers on the two objects. Can you make it so multiple fingers can trigger ‘over’ without triggering ‘out’ like with the ‘down’ and ‘up’ outputs?

@PixelPizza It’s not really a physics bug because the physics are working fine. It’s just the sprite that doesn’t rotate with the collider. Have you tried refreshing your game?

Was the absence of the favorites count in the games themselves intended?

@grazer Can you respond to my last post above? I’m waiting days to continue working on my game.

Also a small question, when do you expect to enable online multiplayer in exported games because I want to export my game to android.

@Latif3 He can’t whip out an update in 12 hours, chillax.

I just want him to respond lmao. I wish he works full-time at flowlab so he can always answer our questions.

I want my money to be worth it :tongue:

@Latif3 As if your money wasnt already worth it? Nothing can beat the usability of FlowLab. :smiley:

@grazer Nice timing I can create games in school because I got a class that my teach allows us to use flowlab.io Im going to be making a space adventure IV because when updates like this and how i’m learning how to make games faster with less behaviers. Also how about making a video on your youtube channel about the new multiplayer system?

Hey @Latif3 - I saw your requests :slight_smile:

So there has been an avalanche of bugs reports and feature requests in this thread, which is good - but it’s difficult to track in a forum thread. I’ve made a Trello board where I stuck every report and request that I’ve seen: https://trello.com/b/peip58xR/flowlab-multiplayer

This way you can see exactly what I’m working on (you don’t have to wonder), and you can also make sure that I’ve seen your request or report.

Possibility to key bind the “Esc” key, “Middle” and “Right” mouse button.
Camera Zoom out.
Fullscreen mode in exported.

@Latif3 Are you considering making graveyard online

Oh that’s a good idea, thanks for still being alive :smiley:

@“Classic Productions” Not sure how that would work? It’s supposed to be a singleplayer arcade game.