@pixelpizza wall jump and wall slide example fail?

ok im using pixelpizzas wall jump and wall slide example but it wont let me jump? any fix?

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Could you send a link to the game?

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You never set any of the Raycast in the bundle…
they are in the “can I wall Jump?” bundle.


what do i set it to?

ok now i can jump but only if im next to the wall jump block

Have you tried altering the values being fed into the impulse block? I know that when I implemented this bundle into my game I had to change those because flowlab does forces by mass or something like that, so a bigger object would take more force to move. If you increase the values of the impulse blocks that should (maybe) allow the character to jump


i dont have any clue what you said but heres the link show me what you mean or if you can fix it

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wait wait wait i just did something and it works!

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so basically i just added the run and jump bundle as well and took out the running so there is just the jumping bart and it worked and then when you go to do wall jumps its canceled unless you jump on the wall genius fix

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Right now I’m on mobile, so I can’t really do a ton to fix it for you, but here’s where I’m talking about

This is in the “jump+coyote time” bundle inside of the “movement [copy]” bundle inside of the player object.
You want to change that number to a higher number (maybe 20 or 25 or something like that). I think that should fix your issue


Oh, nvm I guess, lol. Glad you got it fixed!


its ok thx now back to art design ive went thru 6 floor ideas 2 hours of pointless pixel art! !YAY!

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This is probably the biggest thing @BroBro2 - if you want it like pixelpizza’s that is

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Edit: ok i just relized you were going off @JR01

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