Play my game!

Try out my new game. It is called The Ruins, by =^._.^=

Hey, put a link in my discussion and I will review it for you, and give it a LIKE! Just put it here, Bored Reviews:

Thanks, and like I always say:
“The more opinions, the greater the outcome!” -rcreger

Hey, I can’t put down your username for some reason, so hopefully you see this:

Your links don’t seem to be working. However, I will look up your game and give it a review. Thanks!

fixed that link:

Thanks @“JR 01” ! But I have already looked it up, and reviewed… Thanks anyways, I’m sure @Crigence will put it to good use! :lol:

Thanks guys!

Hi i’m Crigence Myclor! You may remember me from such controversies as: The Graveyard review controversy, the “All jews must die” controversy and the controversy i’m probably going to get for making this bad Simpsons reference!

I would like to review your game! Leave that fixed link here and i’ll give it a funny, in-depth analysis on what’s good and bad about the game! Thanks in advance!

Just remember @Crigence is super harsh and cusses. Not trying to kill ya sorry