Please Help Me Finalise My Game!

Last I checked, you didn’t have the indicator object in the Title/Menu levels.

You have different objects for clicking and have set next levels.

I can’t believe this! I managed to create a new object for each level and it still just goes to the home screen! SOMETHING IS WRONG! @rcreger @“JR 01” @browngr

Please be more specific, what objects are they in what level?
It works as far as I can tell

Sorry, been busy. Alright, @“The Kodex”! Let’s do this! First of all, yes, I think it’d be a good start to elaborate on the info. Which sprite is currently causing trouble?

Sorry @browngr @“JR 01” and @rcreger , but one of my school friends helped me and unfortunately, I found out the alert for “level complete” was the problem. I still have no idea why but as soon as that went… It worked perfectly. Again, my appologies, I’m still making the finishibg touches to my game. If anyone does figure out why the alert was doing this to my code, do please post.

Additionally, do still have a bit of a play through before I finish it would be great having feedback on how it is playes on multiple devices and if there are any bugs. If you do have a bit of a test-play of the game, please do post feedback, bugs, or things that may not look or be good to the players.

Kind regards, @“The Kodex”

Welp, I’ll still be there if something comes up!
Kinda cool that people are calling out for me now… I feel famous XD

i’ve been called once…

@“JR 01” you save data does and does not work. It recorded the save data, and, judging by how much the amount of save data their is, will go to the designated level. But here’s the catch - it will only work when activated. The Only way to activate it is to complete a level, which is the problem.

Does Anyone know how to fix this? @rcreger @browngr @seamothmaster45

Yes, its to save the last place you have been and count up after completing that level.

Since its in a Save block, you can use this save block in other objects (like in the play button) to read the data and continue where you left off.

How else where you wanting to activate it @“The Kodex”?

No, you got it perfectly @“JR 01” Thank you! Do you think you could post what the code in the play button looks like though, just to be sure what to do exactly. Just a tiny reference like your example above.

If you could, that would be great. Thanks for all the help @“JR 01”

and @browngr I have seen and played your games, your coding. Your really good at flowlab. I usually only tag Flowlab veterans. Welcome to the Vets (P.s I’m not in it yet.)

I can later today but its basically the same as the picture above, but without the second save block (because your just reading data) and you use click instead of a mailbox.

Hey @“JR 01” I don’t get which save block to delete? Could you post the picture please.

Because you made Lv 1 (Act 1 -Story I) = 5 and not 0, there was a few changes I made:
In “Play” button, I made Lv1 activated if the number wasnt greater than 5.

Starting from 0 will also mess up adding the data to go to the next level, so you want a check to make the Save NOT = 0. So in the indicator:

Whoa i just clicked this forum chat and saw something almost as scary as my randomizer. What the hell is that

Save data code @meburningslime . Thank @“JR 01” and me for our joint effort at this.

Hey, @“JR 01” , It may still not be working, test it out and see what may be the problem, as I have completed a level multiple times, which should increase the variable, and yet when I click play it takes me to level 1.

… @“JR 01” sorry to be a bother, but please do try to re-post quick. I know we all have lives apart from flowlab, but doing this with haste would be very helpful as I would like to have this game done and finished very soon.

@rcreger @grazer @“Mhx Ar” @meburningslime and @“JR 01” Can someone please help me with this

@“The Kodex”, the “play button” on the “Title part 2” level still has nothing in it.

Also you dont have the filter connected in the “indicator” object

Okay, @“JR 01” Thanks for responding. I appreciate it. Second, i did add the filter, I just forgot to do the extra details that came with it. thanks for the reminder, i actually thought I had done it. Third, what do i need to have in the Play box, because that is the missing pice of the puzzle. Sorry I know i’m annoying you but this is very important.