Please let Text Compare behaviors be able to be an input to anything

This would be very useful, if for example you wanted to use a text compare block like a filter block, i really need this

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??? What do you want?

  1. Do you want it to be able to compare Numbers? A Filter can already do this + you can just Text to Number

  2. Do you want to compare Lists? There would be some use in that (maybe), but you can just use a List Each to convert it to Text.

  3. If you what it do be an output to anything you can just use a Text to Number.

Can you please describe what you want in more detail? I have no idea what this is requesting which probably means Grazer also wouldn’t know


oooh, i completely forgot about text to number, il delete this post

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What were you wanting?

basically i wanted the text compare behaviour to be able to have the ability to be used like a filter

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I would just use a Filter to keep things separated unless you wanted to see if the text itself was a Numbers

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Isn’t text compare basically a filter? just the “in” is on B instead and A acts like “set”.


It is, he was wanting it so you could also input numbers into it


goofiest request I’ve seen in a while :slight_smile:


Yea, ik

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