Pls help on my game

On the first try after opening the game, it works. But the second time and up it doesn’t… maybe it’s a glitch.

One more thing: the water on lv5 has the same problem, except that it’s not being emitted. Also, if you go under the water (you’ll see what I mean in the game) you don’t die even if you’re supposed to. Sorry for noticing so many glitches and annoying you, but grazer can you take a look at this?

Okay, I fixed the first part, but still if you go on the bottom part of the water you don’t die.

Okay, for the Guardian, never mind… I permanently deleted it

Now my new character “Demon” doesn’t move around. Can anyone please help me with this? I’ll appreciate it :slight_smile:

Never mind! Fixed it (I forgot the “movable” part…)

The only problem’s the emit=freeze glitch and the drool problem on level 5. Please help!