Plymouth Entertainment - SOL [GHOST GUNNER - OUT NOW!]

Thanks man! I’ll try these out tomorrow since I don’t have work, and it’s late here. I’ll also check out iMovie to see what it’s all about as well, just in case. But I’ll have to get off now, getting late and got a couple of tests in school tomorrow. So you soon, bro!

Yep, seeya! Only 9:30 where I’m at, so I’ll probably be online for another 3-4 hours. I have a bad sleep schedule haha

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IMovie is a horrible video editor, man

You should use mine instead: VSDC Video Editor. It’s much better and with much more complex capabilities!

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Yes, it’s known as “Audacity”

You can convert the audio to MP4 yourself via video editor if you really need too

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I used to use Davinci Resolve, but with my computer it was buggy and laggy, and I had no other good alternative, so here we are

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Oh boi attack! A lot of typical fighting game moves in there
but what if we get full Scarlet Weather Rhapsody moves?!!

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blinks in anime-less eyes

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"The damp hole in the ground,

Where ol’ Tommy Boy lay,

Lonely and also never found,

He was hopeless, his parents say.

They did not search, neither tried,

Only in sloth they told a story,

Of their small child who went and died,

And how foolish he was, how sorry.

Tommy Boy died alone, cold, and frozen,

In that little damp hole,

His parents did not love their dream,

And now Tommy Boy has lost his soul."

– A Man named “Poetry”

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Sol is REALLY going to push it this time around. Lot’s of particles, lot’s of (artificial) lighting, dark rooms with flashing lights, bezerk enemies, and probably less frames than running Crysis on a 10 year old laptop. But hey - it’s gonna look good!

Stay tuned…


Looking forward to it!

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Thank you @Ramshacklegamestudios !

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Similar to A-Box’s broken monitors, there will be engraved metallic tomes and long-lost holograms revealing: lore, stories, sub-plots, and side characters.

Sol is a lonely game, gotta let a robot have some social time - even if it is from a pre recorded hologram:)

Oooooh that sounds cool

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Thanks @F3Art ! Getting an Indie account will let me do so much more with this game, expect a decent amount of stuff!

use kapwing or flixer, as they where nade to run on cromebookd dmoothly and are amazing only flixer leaves a watermark for the free version is why I use kapwing

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Plymouth Entertainment is happy to announce that we are going to help with the community updates coming to the successful Flowlab game, Bounce Jam by @Crigence !

That’s not all, though - you can join as well! Positions are open on working on Bounce Jam’s next major update! We need all of the help we can get!


I don’t know if I can help at this time, but I can be moral support!

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I’d also like to add-on i made a HUGE blank spot in the credits for anyone who helps out with the game in even a minor way!

As rcreger said, “We need all of the help we can get!”


Any kind of help is appreciated @Ramshacklegamestudios!


Shout out to @Ramshacklegamestudios who will most likely be editing the thread title for each announcement!

New credit:

Community Editor