I took a look at your game and I found one problem. The coin object already has a click behavior. When the player clicks on the green meeb, the coin’s click behavior is activated and the meeb itself is ignored. However, when I tried testing if my theory was true, it did not work, but that could be one of the issues. I will check harder once I get to my computer (because I am on my chromebook and it is difficult to use due to its small screen).
You’ll have to remove the behavior for the green meeb to have a coin attached to it.
I’ve tried keeping the coin there but remove its click behavior, but it does not work. This is the only solution I have come up with without messing up the meeb’s behavior. If you are going to add a click behavior to the other attached objects (sword, apple. etc.), I would suggest having them not attached to the meebs but have their sprite art already have a sword, coin, apple, etc. art on it for the corresponding meeb.