'Point At' block is messed up by 'Camera' block

Maybe check out the “Follow Mouse & Scroll” game from the examples page: https://flowlab.io/game/play/685073

The issue is that the world scrolls around and it’s coordinates update, the mouse’s coordinates do not change. This can be fixed manually, as in the example.

I’ll check it out!

Okay, I’ll do that.

Nah, I’m already working with someone else and I like more of having full control and making all the code myself. Also Idk about the prize anyway I would plan to pass it to him, thanks anyway.

The problem was more on MouseMove because the Mouse only has X and Y for the UI (or the screensize). I had to adjust the X and Y by adding where the camera is with Mouse Move.

Edit: Grazer beat me to it lol

Oh, ok whatever.

You don’t have to answer this but, who are you working with?

Baron Wasteland

What is their Username?