Possible Illustrator?

Ok so this is off topic in terms of flowlab completely but basically im making a story/book/manga/whatever you wanna call it but I need someone to do art for my book and i know there is a bunch of amazing artist on flowlab so…


the best artists ive seen are @lonesable and a few others… @John_Shrekinson is decent, not sure if they would want to help though… lonesable is pretty busy with making animations for people including an order from me and john_shrekinson as well. mr shrekinson is busy being all “yeah ur stuff is great” here on the community but honestly i’d just start something and ask the opinion of the people here. (also ive seen some good story things on https://scratch.mit.edu and you can do something similar on flowlab probably) the people here on flowlab are very good pixel artists, they can give you some useful feedback.


If you want artists you should learn to do it yourself, since most graphic novels (my guess of what you’re making) are made by a single person. This doubles the speed of the process as well.


wow you said basically what i said in a lot less words

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lol how did what you said relate to what @Galactian said at all he said learn to make art and you said ask other people cuz people on here are pixel artist or are busy


:joy: :joy: :man_facepalming:t2: :joy: :joy: :man_facepalming:t2: :rofl: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


If I were you, I’d learn to make art and since you seem to want some help from the community you can frequently ask us what we think of how your improving or what’s wrong with something.


see my problem is i can make decent art with you know like a oen or pencil irl but when it comes to eletronic art im just terrible

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ahem it relates because we both said “do it yourself then ask what people think” basically

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lol lmao the way i read that was so funny i am sorry but it was like that sarcastic you hurt my feelings voice that came into my head so sorry

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It shouldn’t take long to get used to using a pad to draw if you’re already talented irl.


but ok yes

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wooooow there buddddddy dont make me feel special now i only made this
and this
and those suck


wow did u seriously live 1000 yrs ago wow (anyways agreed i dont know why those are so famous)

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lol but no my artwork isnt that good but it also isnt terrible irl now on eletronic ummm… cough cough

hmm you should see me. :sob:

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lol anyways yea

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btw this is the chars i got so far not that it matters to you but so what idc

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also i know japanese
わたし の なまえ わ ぶろぢ です

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Pixel art or no?