Raycast Addon Set 1

I’ve heard a lot about raycasts needed to be updated, so I made some addons to raycasts! Lag is no longer an issue, you can simulate it with math! Same with finding where the raycast went. You can do that with math as well. And now you can draw your raycasts!

Hopefully the next set will be finished before Friday.


Could you add some notes to things? I have a hard time understanding what the inputs for bundles mean


Just put notes on all the inputs and outputs. Sorry for forgetting to do that.


One problem, you are only able to draw 1 ray cast from a single object. If you make it so you can have several ray casts you can create a really cool shadow effect


I could do that for you if you want. I can make them all sync to the player, they’d just have a different use than the current one. and they will have a hitbox.

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