raycaster games

Update & correction.
I increased the ray count to 80 and realized that the number raycast returns is not random. It seems to calculate the radius from the cast origin to the target center and gives you the point where the ray hits this arc. Easy to see here:

@F3Art , letting the sprites always face you is the easy part, LOL. I have done Wolfenstein clones back in the ages for Amiga Demo reels. The 80 rays already slow down Flowlab, normally you would need to cast at least 200 to 300 … depending on your screen resolution :slight_smile:
But that can be optimized if you have the ‘math power’ behind you. I made one once where I actually only traced the edge points of the targets, that’s all you need to place your 3D fake.
Yeah, would be nice if we could achieve this:

P.S. actually. Since we work with a fixed cell map here it should be easy to just shorten the ray to the cell boundaries. Anyone here good with Vector Maths? I’m a bit rusty, haven’t done that for ages.