raycaster games

Remember The Yellow Hallway? That was going to be the first ever 3D flowlab game

by @todorrobot right?

@F3Art yeah, I did yellow hallway, but its all faked. The hallways arent rendered, the 4 views from every position were individually calculated and drawn and added to a catalog of single frame references that I could plug in as I went.

It was a real slog, glitchy impractical, but Im glad I did it as an exercise in what my hyper-focus could achieve. I have a stack of graph paper somewhere with every conceivable 3x4 hallway permutation planned out. Haha!

dang. no gif support.

alright this is the game so far. https://flowlab.io/game/play/1460921 I made a few modifications to the 3d rendering and I’m thinking about making some more. Hand with a sword is just a test sprite. I spent no time on it. I know it’s bad.

Nice one @F3Art , well done.
Glad you managed to wrap your mind around his code, who cares about gfx at this stage, LOL.
Prototyping is about the functionality, the ‘pretty’ stuff comes once all is working.
Challenge now … add an enemy or an object :slight_smile:
Needs to slide in and out of view when you turn and scale up/down depending on the distance.

would i have to make an entire 60 raycasts again? there must be a better way. what if i use the wall raycasts to tell the object where on the screen it is somehow?

nice! Have you ever seen/played Treasure of Tarmin on the old Intellivision system? I still love this game. so pure in form. and friggin difficult too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9jcUTTm6RA&t=9s

and talk about “pretty” lolol. Your sword in hand would have been ground breaking graphics back then. and this was an A-level, name brand sponsored, $40 game.

@todorrobot no I haven’t seen this before. it looks really cool, and ahead of it’s time. is there a way to play it without an actual intellivision? I don’t own one.

that would have taken so long to make. i bet they would have to draw every 2d hallway frame by hand.

There might be an emulator out there somewhere? I havent looked in a while.